Thông Báo

Vân cám ơn các bạn đả cùng Vân học hỏi Lời Chúa. Cầu mong Chúa ở cùng các bạn Hiện tại Vân đang ở bên diễn đàn này. Thời gian sắp tới Vân sẽ đóng blog này, vì bận rộn nên Vân không thể ở 2 chỗ cùng 1 lúc Mong các bạn tiếp tục …

Should Christians say, “God Predestines People to Hell”?

God has foreordained and controls all things whatsoever by his mysterious foreknowledge and providence. By definition, the eternal destinies of the elect and non-elect must fall under God’s foreordination and control. Yet Scripture does not directly state that God predestines people to hell. Instead, it continually emphasizes that God elects to eternal salvation. In light …

Does God Predestine People to Hell? Audio Transcript A podcast listener named Steve writes in to ask this very pointed question: “Pastor John, are some people predestined for hell?” Before I give my clear and definite answer, it really is crucial that a few preliminary things be said that are always lurking right there below the surface, ready to turn …

How does God’s sovereignty work together with free will?

The co-existence of God’s sovereignty and humankind’s free will has been a hotly-debated topic among theologians across the centuries. Understanding how God can have complete control and yet also grant free will to people is a mind-boggling concept. Most argumentative folk will take one of two extreme viewpoints: Viewpoint #1: Human beings are God’s puppets; God …

Why do some people so passionately hate Calvinism?

“Are you a Christian or a Calvinist?” We received this question not that long ago. I am used to receiving questions/complaints from people who strongly disagree with Calvinism. But, this was the first one I had ever seen in which the person was insinuating that if you are a Calvinist, you are not a Christian. …

The Sovereignty of God

No doctrine is more despised by the natural mind than the truth that God is absolutely sovereign. Human pride loathes the suggestion that God orders everything, controls everything, and rules over everything. The carnal mind, burning with enmity against God, abhors the biblical teaching that nothing comes to pass except according to His eternal decrees. …

Does God choose who will be saved and who will be lost?

Carla submitted this very difficult question: “I struggle mightfully, painfully, fearfully with the concept of God’s Elect/Chosen. Does God choose some to be his own but not others? If so, how does that work with the verses that suggest man has a choice/can seek out God and expect His grace/mercy/acceptance? How terrifying to think some …

Làm việc rao truyền cho Chúa

Rao truyền cho Chúa chẳng phải là vô ích đâu 1 Cô rinh tô 15:58 58 Vậy, hỡi anh em yêu dấu của tôi, hãy vững vàng, chớ rúng động, hãy làm công việc Chúa cách dư dật luôn, vì biết rằng công khó của anh em trong Chúa chẳng phải là vô ích đâu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …